%0 Journal Article %T “阴阳同调针法”治疗动眼神经麻痹临床验案2则
Two Clinical Experience of Treating Oculomotor Nerve Palsy with Yin-Yang Homology Acupuncture %A 黄蓉 %A 侯天舒 %J Traditional Chinese Medicine %P 281-286 %@ 2166-6059 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TCM.2024.133043 %X 动眼神经麻痹的临床表现包括单侧或双侧上睑下垂、眼上转、下转和内收障碍,复视及瞳孔改变等,严重影响患者的正常生活及心理状态。针刺疗法在动眼神经麻痹的治疗中应用越来越多。笔者所用“阴阳同调针法”,基于“调脏腑,通经络,扶正气”的整体调理思路,结合了俞原配穴、灵龟八法开穴、培中固本的针刺配穴理论,在“调中”的同时有效地治愈了患者的动眼神经麻痹;该疗法“阴阳同调”、手法轻柔,患者痛苦小、易于坚持,也适用于临床慢性病的防治及亚健康状态的改善。
The clinical manifestations of oculomotor nerve palsy include unilateral or bilateral ptosis, eye up-turn, downturn and adduction disorders, diplopia and pupil changes, which seriously affect the normal life and psychological state of patients. Acupuncture therapy has been used more and more in the treatment of oculomotor nerve palsy. The author used the “Yin-Yang harmonizing acupunc-ture method”, based on the overall conditioning idea of “regulating zang fu organs, channeling me-ridians, supporting the Zhengqi”, combined with the Yuyuan matching point, Linggui eight methods to open points, Peizhong Guyuan acupuncture matching point theory, in the “adjustment” at the same time effectively cured the patient’s oculomotor nerve paralysis. The treatment of “Yin-Yang harmonization” is characterized with gentle manipulation and little pain. It is not only easy to be adhere to, but also suitable for clinical chronic disease prevention and treatment and the improve-ment of sub-health state. %K 动眼神经麻痹,阴阳同调,灵龟八法,俞原配穴,培中固本
Oculomotor Nerve Palsy %K Yin-Yang Harmology %K Linggui Eight Methods to Open Points %K Yuyuan Matching Point %K Peizhong Guben %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80968