%0 Journal Article %T 浅析康德意志论对“不能自制”问题的解决
A Brief Analysis of the Solution to the Problem of “Out of Self-Control” by Kant’s Theory of Will %A 李嘉琦 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 286-295 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.132044 %X 康德伦理学和亚里士多德伦理学的关系问题是伦理学领域的一个重要课题,而对于这一关系的理解主要有超越、退步和互补三种。本文将沿着康德对亚氏超越的路径进行思考与分析,并通过对二者德性观的比较以及对不能自制问题的解决方式的比较,指出康德意志论的进步性。基于此行文思路,本文主要分为两个部分:第一部分主要讨论古希腊传统德性观与康德的善良意志观,探讨知与德、德与恶的界限,简述康德善良意志论较亚氏伦理学而言更注重“善”的内在性;第二部分主要介绍知识导致行动与意志导致行动,探究解决不能自制问题的新思路,指出康德自由意志论更好地解释了不能自制者行为的因果性。
The relationship between Kant’s ethics and Aristotle’s ethics is an important subject in the field of ethics, and there are three kinds of understanding of this relationship: transcendence, regression and complementarity. This paper will think and analyze along the path of transcendence, and point out that Kant’s transcendence is embodied in the progress of Kant’s theory of the will by comparing the two views of virtue and the solutions to the problem of out of selfcontrol. Based on this train of thought, this paper is divided into two chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the ancient Greek traditional view of virtue and Kant’s view of good will, and discusses the boundary between knowledge and virtue, and between virtue and evil. Kant’s theory of good will pays more attention to the internality of “good” than Aristotle’s ethics. The second chapter mainly introduces that knowledge leads to action and will leads to action, explores a new way to solve the problem of out of self-control, and points out that Kant’s theory of free will better explains the causality of the behavior of the out of selfcontrol than Aristotle’s ethics. %K 康德,亚里士多德,善良意志,自由意志,不能自制
Kant %K Aristotle %K Good Will %K Free Will %K Out of Self-Control %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81176