%0 Journal Article %T 扬弃辩证法:马克思对黑格尔辩证法的本体论批判
Sublating Dialectics: Marx’s Ontological Criticism of Hegel’s Dialectics %A 钟齐婧 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 296-301 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.132045 %X 在西方哲学史上,辩证法思想和本体论一样历史悠久。然而长期以来,辩证法逐渐被人们理解为一种外在的形式的方法,即将辩证法理解为可以应用于任何内容之上的形式范畴,其奠基于其上的本体论基础却被彻底地忽视了。由于将“绝对精神”设定为本体论基础,黑格尔最终窒息了辩证法;费尔巴哈对黑格尔哲学的本体论进行了“颠倒”,但却丧失了辩证法的原则,最终折返回了形而上学;马克思则通过在本体论层面的根本变革,保留了黑格尔辩证法的合理内核,即以“实践”为本体论基础,实现了辩证法和本体论的真正统一。
In the history of Western philosophy, dialectic thought has a long history as well as ontology. How-ever, for a long time, dialectics has been gradually understood as an external formal method, that is, dialectics is understood as a formal category that can be applied to any content, but the ontological basis on which it is based has been completely ignored. By setting “absolute spirit” as the ontologi-cal basis, Hegel finally suffocated dialectics; Feuerbach reversed the ontology of Hegel’s philosophy, but he lost the principle of dialectics and returned to metaphysics. Marx retained the rational core of Hegel’s dialectics through the fundamental reform of ontology, that is, taking “practice” as the basis of ontology, and realized the true unity of dialectics and ontology. %K 黑格尔,费尔巴哈,马克思,辩证法,本体论
Hegel %K Feuerbach %K Marx %K Dialectics %K Ontology %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81177