%0 Journal Article %T 基于门槛模型分析的数字化转型对资源错配的非线性影响研究
Nonlinear Effect of Digital Transformation on Resource Misallocation Based on Threshold Model Analysis %A 方玉翔 %A 高广阔 %J Pure Mathematics %P 347-362 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.141036 %X 随着数字科技的不断进步,数字化转型已成为产业发展、资源配置、经济高质量增长不可缺少的重要引擎。本文基于中国除港澳台地区之外的2013~2020年31个省级面板数据,构建数字化转型,资源错配、资本要素错配和劳动要素错配评价指标体系,创新性地将市场化进程、产业集聚同时纳入资源错配分析框架,运用调节效应模型和门槛检验模型,检验了数字化转型对资源错配、资本要素错配和劳动要素错配的影响,以及产业集聚和市场化进程在其中发挥的调节作用,并进一步探讨产业集聚在不同门槛下对数字化转型产生的影响。结果表明,数字化转型对资源错配、资本要素错配和劳动要素错配均有显著缓解作用,市场化进程和产业集聚能够加强这种缓解作用。门槛检验表明,在产业集聚较低时,数字化转型可能加剧资源错配,当产业集聚到一定阈值后,数字化转型才能发挥其应有的抑制作用。研究结论对数字化转型改善资源错配具有重要的参考价值。
With the continuous progress of digital technology, digital transformation has become an indis-pensable and important engine for industrial development, resource allocation, and high-quality economic growth. Based on 31 provincial panel data from 2013 to 2020 in China except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, this paper constructs an evaluation index system for digital transformation, resource misallocation, capital factor misallocation, and labor factor misallocation. It innovatively incorporates the marketization process and industrial agglomeration into the resource misalloca-tion analysis framework at the same time. Using the adjustment effect model and the threshold test model, it examines the impact of digital transformation on resource misallocation, capital factor misallocation, and labor factor misallocation, as well as the moderating role played by industrial agglomeration and marketization processes, and further explores the impact of industrial agglomeration on digital transformation under different thresholds. The results show that digital transformation has a significant mitigating effect on resource misallocation, capital factor misal-location, and labor factor misallocation, and marketization process and industrial agglomeration can strengthen this mitigating effect. The threshold test shows that when industrial agglomeration is low, digital transformation may exacerbate resource misallocation. The research conclusions have important reference value for digital transformation to improve resource misallocation. %K 数字化转型,资源错配,产业集聚,市场化进程,非线性效应
Digital Transformation %K Resource Misallocation %K Industrial Agglomeration %K Marketization Process %K Nonlinear Effects %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80323