%0 Journal Article %T 基于居民幸福感的我国通货膨胀福利成本实证研究
An Empirical Study on the Cost of Inflation and Welfare in China Based on Residents’ Happiness %A 刁节文 %A 李锴鑫 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 391-403 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141037 %X 本文从幸福经济学视角出发,研究了我国通货膨胀的福利成本,根据2017年6月的《中国综合社会调查(CGSS)》项目和国家统计年鉴网站数据附加的2021年模块数据,使用既有回归模型对我国居民的幸福感与通货膨胀、个人和家庭特征变量进行了OLS和Ordered Probit实证分析,得出以下结论:一是在回归方程中不纳入个人和家庭特征变量时,温和的通货膨胀率指标和我国居民幸福感指标的实证检验结果是显著正相关的,检验结果表明温和的通货膨胀不但不存在福利成本,甚至还能带来社会福利;二是在回归方程纳入个人和家庭特征变量时,通货膨胀率对居民幸福感指标的实证检验是不显著的;三是经济增长率指标对我国居民幸福感指标的实证检验是显著负相关的,但个人收入指标对幸福感的检验是显著正相关的,检验结果说明经济增长并没有提高居民的幸福感,印证了伊斯特林悖论。
From the perspective of happiness economics, this paper drives into the welfare cost of inflation in China from a happiness economics viewpoint. Using the data of China Comprehensive Social Survey (CGSS) in June 2017, the additional module data in 2021 and the website of the National Statistical Yearbook, this paper makes an OLS and ordered probit empirical analysis on the hap-piness and inflation, personal and family characteristic variables of Chinese residents according to the existing regression model. The conclusions are as follows: first, when individual and fam-ily characteristic variables are not included in the regression equation, the empirical test results of moderate inflation rate index and Chinese residents’ well-being index are significantly positively correlated. The test results show that moderate inflation not only does not have welfare cost, but also can bring social welfare; Second, when the regression equation includes individual and family characteristic variables, the empirical test of inflation rate on residents’ well-being index is not significant; Third, the empirical test of economic growth rate index on the happiness index of Chinese residents is significantly negatively correlated, but the test of personal income index on happiness is significantly positively correlated. The test results show that economic growth does not improve residents’ happiness, which confirms Easterlin paradox. %K 幸福经济学,通货膨胀,福利,伊斯特林悖论,居民幸福感
Happiness Economics %K Inflation %K Welfare %K Easterlin Paradox %K Residents’ Happiness %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81410