%0 Journal Article %T 我国数字经济发展水平测度与分析
Measurement and Analysis of Our Country’s Digital Economy Development Level %A 罗瑞雪 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 418-425 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141039 %X 数字经济是我国经济发展新常态、新结构,党中央高度重视数字经济的发展,党的十八大以来,党中央非常重视数字经济的发展,并将其视为国家的战略。党的二十大报告明确提出,要加快数字经济的发展,并打造具备国际竞争力的数字产业集群。本文参照技术–经济范式理论以“基础设施–技术–产业”为主线搭包含建四个一级指标:数字化基础设施、数字经济技术创新能力、数字应用和数字产业的数字经济发展水平指标衡量体系,利用熵值法对我国30个省份2014~2021年数字经济发展水平进行测度,得到结论:1、我国国内数字经济整体每年呈现上升发展的趋势,但是数字经济整体发展水平仍然较低。2、按照八大经济带对我国省域进行划分,我国沿海地区数字经济发展水平全国领先,西南地区与大西北地区数字经济发展潜力巨大。3、应用聚类分析将我国30个省份分为数字经济发展高水平地区、数字经济发展较高水平地区与数字经济发展一般水平地区。政策启示:针对我国不同区域之间存在的数字经济发展水平差异我国应该加大对数字经济基础设施投入、培养数字人才的“成长摇篮”以及政府因地制宜借鉴数字经济发展高水平地区,制定适应的发展策略。
The digital economy represents a new normal and structure for China’s economic development. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy, considering it a national strategic priority since the 18th CPC National Congress. The 19th CPC National Congress explicitly outlined the acceleration of digital economy development and the creation of internationally competitive digital industry clusters as key objectives. This article, referencing the technological-economic paradigm theory with the main theme of “Infrastructure-Technology-Industry,” establishes a measurement framework comprising four primary indicators: digital infrastructure, innovation capacity in digital economic technology, digital applications, and the level of digital economic development in the digital industry. Utilizing the entropy method, the digital economic development levels of 30 provinces in China were assessed from 2017 to 2021, leading to the following conclusions: The overall trend of China’s domestic digital economy shows annual growth, but the overall development level remains relatively low. Based on the division of China’s provinces into eight economic belts, coastal regions lead in digital economic development, while the southwestern and northwestern regions exhibit significant potential for digital economic growth. Application of cluster analysis categorizes the 30 provinces into regions with high, relatively high, and average levels of digital economic development. Policy Implications: Given the regional disparities in the development of the digital economy in China, the country should increase investment in dig-ital economic infrastructure, nurture a “cradle” for digital talent, and formulate region-specific development strategies by drawing inspiration from regions with high levels of digital economic development. %K 数字经济发展水平,测度技术 %K 经济范式理论,熵值法,聚类分析
Digital Economy Development Level %K Measurement Technique %K Economic Paradigm Theory %K Entropy Method %K Cluster Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81421