%0 Journal Article %T 数智化技术赋能深层页岩气效益开发路径研究
Research on the Profitable Development Path of Deep Shale Gas Empowered by Digital Intelligence Technology %A 汪刚 %A 李俏静 %A 孙玉平 %A 段希宇 %A 肖科 %J Sustainable Development %P 280-287 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.142036 %X 中国深层页岩气资源丰富,是天然气增储上产的重要领域,实现效益开发对促进能源结构转型、保障国家能源安全具有战略意义。本文在对深层页岩气开发进程和潜力进行总体性描述的基础上,系统分析了深层页岩气效益开发所面临的机遇与挑战,聚焦于数智化技术在油气勘探开发中的应用实践,提出了数智化技术赋能深层页岩气效益开发的基本路径。研究发现:数智化技术对科技人才培育、勘探开发、生产管理和成本控制具有关键作用,数智化技术通过提高勘探和生产的智能水平,降低成本,将有利于深层页岩气效益开发目标的实现,具体体现在数智化技术可以通过重构科技人才培育体系、优化勘探开发过程、提升生产管理效能和降低开发成本来实现深层页岩气效益开发。
China is rich in deep shale gas resources and is an important area for increasing natural gas re-serves and production. Realizing profitable development is of strategic significance for promoting the transformation of energy structure and ensuring national energy security. Based on an overall description of the development process and potential of deep shale gas, this article systematically analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by the profitable development of deep shale gas, focuses on the application practice of digital intelligence technology in oil and gas exploration and development, and proposes the basic path for digital intelligence technology to empower the prof-itable development of deep shale gas. The study found that digital intelligence technology plays a key role in the cultivation of scientific and technological talents, exploration and development, pro-duction management and cost control. By improving the intelligence level of exploration and pro-duction and reducing costs, digital intelligence technology will be beneficial to the profitable devel-opment goals of deep shale gas. Realization is embodied in the fact that digital intelligence technol-ogy can realize the profitable development of deep shale gas by reconstructing the scientific and technological talent training system, optimizing the exploration and development process, improv-ing production management efficiency and reducing development costs. %K 数智化技术,深层页岩气,赋能路径,效益开发
Digital Intelligence Technology %K Deep Shale Gas %K Empowerment Path %K Profitable Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81244