%0 Journal Article %T 河套平原自然村落街道空间初探——以河套平原永昌村为例
A Preliminary Study on the Street Space of Natural Villages in Hetao Plain—Taking Yongchang Village in Hetao Plain as an Example %A 赵海男 %J Sustainable Development %P 294-300 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.142038 %X 随着城镇化进程的推进,城市街道的设计重心偏向“车本”,而忽略了人的尺度比例,失去了街道空间的亲和力。反观自然村街道宜人的尺度与其特有的生活画面,使我们把探索的目光转向自然村。文章以河套平原村落的街道空间为主要对象,通过现场观察、问卷访谈等方式对河套平原永昌村进行调研分析,探索自然村落街道空间的合理性及其不足,减少街道泛视觉化。文章最后提出了街道空间传统与多样性建设的建议,调整街道尺度,强化街道空间的活力。
With the advancement of urbanization, the design focus of urban streets tends to be “car-based”, while ignoring the scale ratio of people and losing the affinity of street space. In contrast, the pleas-ant scale of the streets of the natural village and its unique life picture make us turn our eyes to the natural village. This paper takes the street space of village in Hetao Plain as the main object, through on-site observation, questionnaire interview and other methods to investigate and analyze Yongchang Village in Hetao Plain, explore the rationality and shortcomings of the street space of natural villages, and reduce the pan-visualization of streets. Finally, the article puts forward sugges-tions for the construction of street space tradition and diversity, adjusting street scale and strengthening the vitality of street space. %K 河套平原,自然村,街道空间,尺度,交往
Hetao Plain %K Natural Village %K Street Space %K Scale %K Communication %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81248