%0 Journal Article %T 基于微服务的防伪识别微信小程序
Anti-Counterfeiting Identification WeChat Mini Program Based on Microservices %A 陈子龙 %A 曹鹏 %J Computer Science and Application %P 288-297 %@ 2161-881X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CSA.2024.142029 %X 目的:在数字防伪识别领域应用端,针对传统防伪识别APP存在内部耦合性低、更新迭代成本大、软件体积大、防伪效果差及不适应当下用户使用习惯等问题,设计并实现一款基于移动手机和云端服务的防伪识别微信小程序解决。方法:防伪识别微信小程序采用微服务架构软件设计模式,采用全自动扫描形式对印刷量子点防伪图像进行识别,系统中各服务相互独立且职责单一。结果:具有低耦合、高可用、高性能效果,体积小、无需下载、跨系统等优点,识别速度在2s以内,识别率在90%以上。结论:可提供高体验性的防伪、溯源、防窜、信息增值等多重服务,成本低,安全性高,可广泛用于商品包装、票据等领域,具有极强的实际应用价值。
Objective: The work aims to design and implement an anti-counterfeiting identification WeChat mini program based on mobile phones and cloud services to solve the problems of traditional anti-counterfeiting identification APP, such as low internal coupling, high cost of updating and iteration, large software volume, poor anti-counterfeiting effect and inadaptability to current user hab-its. Method: Anti-counterfeiting identification WeChat mini program adopts the design mode of microservice architecture software and uses the form of automatic scanning to identify the printed quantum dot anti-counterfeiting images. Each service in the system is independent and has a single responsibility. Results: It has the advantages of low coupling, high availability, high performance, small size, no need to download, cross-system, etc. The recognition speed is less than 2s, and the recognition rate is more than 90%. Conclusion: It can provide multiple services with high experience, such as anti-counterfeiting, traceability, anti-channeling, information value-added, etc., with low cost and high security, and can be widely used in commodity packaging, bills and other fields, with strong practical application value. %K 微服务架构,防伪识别,微信小程序,印刷量子点
Microservice Architecture %K Anti-Counterfeiting Identification %K WeChat Mini Program %K Printed Quantum Dot %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81302