%0 Journal Article %T 传统孝文化视域下应对人口老龄化的路径探析
Study on the Path of Dealing with Population Aging from the Perspective of Traditional Filial Piety Culture %A 王惠 %J Aging Research %P 41-45 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111007 %X 作为中华民族传统道德的基石,孝是我国传统道德观念的核心。孝文化更是千百年来中华民族优秀传统文化的结晶,对于协调人伦、社会传承等方面都具有重要意义。中国传统孝文化在长期的发展中和中华民族兴衰与共,随着时代的前进而不断丰富自身。在人口老龄化日益严重的今天,如何以时代的眼光审视传统孝文化精髓,从深厚悠久的传统孝文化中凝练出当代价值,积极应对中国老龄化的现实挑战,是当前亟需解决的重要问题。
As the cornerstone of Chinese traditional morality, filial piety is the core of Chinese traditional moral concepts. Filial piety culture is the crystallization of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, which is of great significance for the coordination of human relations and social inheritance. Chinese traditional filial piety culture in the long-term development along with the rise and fall of the Chinese nation, with the development of The Times and continues to enrich itself. In today’s increasingly serious aging of the population, how to examine the essence of traditional filial piety culture from the perspective of The Times, extract the contemporary value from the profound and long-standing traditional filial piety culture, and actively respond to the realistic challenges of China’s aging is an important issue that needs to be solved. %K 人口老龄化,孝文化,积极老龄化
Population Aging %K Traditional Filial Piety Culture %K Actively Respond to the Population Aging %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80864