%0 Journal Article %T 智慧养老服务的实践困境与优化路径——以东莞D居家养老服务中心为例
Practical Dilemmas and Optimization Paths of Smart Elderly Care—A Case Study of D Home-Based Elderly Care Service Center in Dongguan %A 余嘉铨 %A 景春兰 %J Aging Research %P 46-51 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111008 %X 智慧养老服务作为一种新型养老模式,以其高质量、高效率的特点,正逐渐成为我国养老事业发展的主流方向。文章通过在东莞D居家养老服务中心的实践,发现D街道智慧养老服务存在智慧养老服务响应滞后、智慧养老服务平台建设不完善、复合型养老护理人才匮乏等问题。对此,需要通过建立多渠道智慧养老支持网络、强化智慧养老服务平台的科技支撑、强化养老护理人才的培养力度等路径来推动智慧养老服务的高质量发展。
As a novel model of elderly care, smart elderly care services are becoming the mainstream direction in the development of China’s elderly care industry due to their high-quality and high-efficiency features. Through the practice of the D Home-based Elderly Care Service Center in Dongguan, this paper found that the smart elderly care services in D Street have problems, such as lagging response to smart elderly care services, imperfect construction of smart elderly care service platforms, and a lack of compound elderly care nursing talents. To address these issues, it is necessary to promote the high-quality development of smart elderly care services by establishing multi-channel support networks for smart elderly care, strengthening the scientific and technological support of smart elderly care service platforms, and enhancing the training of elderly care nursing talents. %K 智慧养老,居家养老,实践困境,优化路径
Smart Elderly Care %K Home-Based Elderly Care %K Practical Dilemmas %K Optimization Paths %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80865