%0 Journal Article %T 代际支持背景下农村留守老人养老困境及对策研究
A Study on the Challenges of Elderly Care and Countermeasures for Left-Behind Rural Elders under the Background of Inter-Generational Support %A 李漫 %J Aging Research %P 77-84 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111012 %X 随着城镇化进程的加快及新型养老观念的兴起,青壮年劳动力流向发达地区,致使大量老人留守农村,子女对父母的代际支持力度正在逐渐减弱。农村留守老人面临着养老政策水平低、养老保障制度不完善、养老需求供给不足、家庭支撑作用弱化等养老困境。深入了解农村留守老人的养老现状,探索破解农村留守老人养老困境的路径,有助于缓解农村留守老人的养老忧虑,提升留守老人的幸福感,使其能够老有所养、老有所依、老有所乐。
With the accelerated process of urbanization and the emergence of new concepts of elderly care, a large number of elderly individuals have been left behind in rural areas as working-age adults migrate to developed regions. As a result, inter-generational support from children to parents is gradually diminishing. Left-behind rural elders face challenges in terms of low levels of elderly care policy, inadequate elderly care security systems, insufficient supply of elderly care services, and weakened family support for elderly care. Gaining an in-depth understanding of the current situation of elderly care for left-behind rural elders and exploring paths to alleviate their elderly care challenges can help alleviate their concerns, enhance their sense of well-being, and ensure that they can age with proper care, support, and enjoyment. %K 农村养老,留守老人,代际支持
Rural Elderly Care %K Left-Behind Elders %K Inter-Generational Support %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80895