%0 Journal Article %T 数字乡村建设下城乡老年群体的数字鸿沟研究
Study on Digital Divide between Urban and Rural Elderly Groups Based on Digital Village Construction %A 任夏苹 %J Aging Research %P 85-89 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111013 %X 数字乡村建设完善了乡村地区信息基础设施,有效缩小了城乡数字鸿沟,但也加剧了乡村老年人在数字接入中的数字困境。本研究结合城乡和群体间的数字鸿沟,探讨了城乡老年群体间的数字鸿沟,分析了城乡老年群体数字鸿沟的表现及其原因,对城乡老年群体数字鸿沟未来可能面临的隐患和治理策略进行了讨论。老年人数字鸿沟治理要特别关注乡村老年人的数字困境,在加强乡村数字教育的同时,还需保留传统服务方式,给予乡村老年群体更多的人文关怀。
Digital village construction improves the information infrastructure in rural areas, and narrows the urban-rural digital divide effectively; however, this measure exacerbates the digital dilemma of rural elderly people in digital access. This study combines urban-rural digital divides and inter-group digital divides, explores the digital divide between urban and rural elderly groups, analyzes the manifestations and causes of the digital divide between urban and rural elderly groups, and discusses the hidden dangers and governance strategies of the digital divide between urban and rural elderly groups. Governance of the digital divide for the elderly people should pay special attention to the digital plight of the elderly people in rural areas, while strengthening rural digital education, it is also necessary to retain traditional service methods, and provide more humanistic care to rural elderly groups. %K 数字乡村建设,老年群体,数字鸿沟
Digital Village Construction %K Elderly Groups %K Digital Divide %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80899