%0 Journal Article %T 老龄化社会背景下弘扬孝文化的当代价值与路径探析
Exploration of the Contemporary Value and Path of Promoting Filial Piety Culture in the Context of Aging Society %A 王媛媛 %J Aging Research %P 106-111 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111016 %X 当今社会,老龄化程度不断加深,老年人口快速大幅度增多,为养老问题带来了新的挑战。孝文化作为中华民族传统美德和中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,在应对人口老龄化、完善个人道德修养、维系家庭与社会和谐稳定以及推动中华民族文化复兴等方面具有重要价值与意义。随着社会的转型,孝文化面临弱化危机,必须通过加强学校孝文化教育、注重家风家教建设、完善孝道法制建设、加强社会舆论宣传等途径,大力弘扬孝文化,引导孝文化回归。
In today’s society, the degree of aging is deepening and the elderly population is increasing rapidly and substantially, bringing new challenges to the issue of old age. Filial piety culture, as a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, is of great value and significance in coping with the aging of the population, maintaining harmony and stability in the family and society, and promoting the cultural revival of the Chinese nation. With the transformation of society, filial piety culture is facing a crisis of weakening, and it is necessary to vigorously promote filial piety culture and guide the return of filial piety culture by strengthening filial piety culture education in schools, focusing on the construction of family customs and family education, perfecting filial piety legal system construction, and strengthening the propaganda of social public opinion. %K 孝文化,老龄化,当代价值,路径
Filial Piety Culture %K Aging %K Contemporary Value %K Path %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80905