%0 Journal Article %T 积极老龄化背景下建筑业农民工养老困境与出路
The Dilemma and Way out of the Pension of Migrant Workers in the Construction Industry under the Background of Active Aging %A 马金凤 %J Aging Research %P 131-138 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111019 %X 人口老龄化已成为全球性问题,我国也进入深度老龄化社会,建筑业高龄农民工作为重要群体,其养老问题相对突出。过去已达退休年龄的农民工主要通过继续从事建筑工作这种“以工养老”的方式实现自我养老。但近年建筑业频发事故,出于安全考量,多地方相继出台超龄农民工清退政策,该政策冲击了这一传统养老模式,多数超龄农民工丧失工资性收入,从而退回农村养老。由于建筑业农民工就业不稳定及高流动性,导致我国建筑业高龄农民工基本养老保险参保率较低,建筑业农民工养老成为一个亟待破解的重大问题。在积极老龄化背景下,文章围绕建筑业农民工养老保险的难点提出建议:包括加强用工单位和政府的角色定位,健全养老保险转移接续机制,构建高龄农民工养老保障支持体系,妥善解决建筑业超龄农民工养老困难这一现实问题。
Population aging has become a global problem, and China has also entered a deep aging society. The elderly migrant workers in the construction industry are an important group, and their pension problems are relatively prominent. In the past, migrant workers who had reached retirement age mainly provided for themselves by continuing to work in construction, which was a “work-based pension”. However, in recent years, there have been frequent accidents in the construction industry, and for safety reasons, many places have successively introduced policies for the removal of over-age migrant workers, which has impacted this traditional pension model, and most over-age migrant workers have lost their wage income and returned to rural areas for the elderly. Due to the unstable employment and high mobility of migrant workers in the construction industry, the basic pension insurance participation rate of elderly migrant workers in China’s construction industry is low, and the pension of migrant workers in the construction industry has become a major problem that needs to be solved urgently. In this paper, in the context of active aging, some suggestions are put forward on the difficulties of pension insurance for migrant workers in the construction industry, including strengthening the role positioning of employers and the government, improving the mechanism for the transfer and continuation of pension insurance, building a support system for the pension security of elderly migrant workers, and properly solving the practical problem of pension difficulties for over-age migrant workers in the construction industry. %K 建筑业农民工养老,积极老龄化,以工养老,超龄农民工清退
Pension of Migrant Workers in the Construction Industry %K Active Ageing %K Work-Based Pension %K Removal of Over-Age Migrant Workers %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81366