%0 Journal Article %T 哈尔滨人工渠中微塑料赋存特征
Occurrence Characteristics of Microplastics in Artificial Canals in Harbin %A 李宇翔 %A 刘硕 %A 古雪倩 %A 王菲宇 %A 刘琦 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 69-75 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2024.131010 %X 本研究采集哈尔滨市水利工程发生渠的水体样品,通过预处理、定量及定性处理,探究出发生渠中微塑料的赋存特征。结果显示,发生渠微塑料整体丰度较高,水体中为4165~13883个/m3。微塑料颜色以无色和白色为主,彩色占比很小。水样中纤维状微塑料占比最大,颗粒状微塑料占比最小。通过红外鉴定,发现水样中PE占比较大。研究结论可为防控城市内河水环境中的微塑料污染提供科学依据。
In this study, water samples from the canal of the Harbin Water Conservancy project were collected, and the occurrence characteristics of microplastics in the canal were explored through pre-treatment, quantitative and qualitative treatment. The results showed that the overall abun-dance of microplastics in the channel was high, ranging from 4165 to 13883 body/m3. The color of microplastics is mainly colorless and white, and the color proportion is very small. The proportion of fibrous microplastics was the largest and the proportion of granular microplastics was the smallest. By infrared identification, it was found that PE accounted for a large proportion of water samples. The research results can provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of microplastic pollution in urban river water environments. %K 微塑料,人工渠,赋存特征
Microplastics %K Artificial Canal %K Occurrence Characteristics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81493