%0 Journal Article %T 中华湖蛭的急性毒性研究进展
Research on the Acute Toxicity of Limnotrachelobdella sinensis %A 肖爱萍 %A 黄珂婧 %A 陈越 %A 麻泳源 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 90-95 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2024.131012 %X 中华湖蛭(Limnotrachelobdella sinensis),又名中华颈蛭,是一种常寄生于鱼类鳃部的寄生虫。中华湖蛭吸食血液,使鱼类鳃丝发白、贫血甚至死亡,寄生带来的伤口极易感染细菌,造成腮部溃烂,严重时可致鱼类大量死亡,给水产养殖带来严重的经济损失。目前针对湖蛭防控的研究较少,本文从药物防控方向出发,进行了中华湖蛭的特性、致病机理和不同药物处理下的急性毒性相关研究,以期对中华湖蛭的防治手段提出新的研究思路,规范相关水产药物的使用,旨在减轻大水面养殖环境下由寄生病害所造成的经济损失的同时,规避渔药对淡水环境的破坏。
Limnotrachelobdella sinensis, also known as Chinese neck leech, is a parasite that often lives in the gills of fish. The Chinese lake leech sucks blood, causing fish gill filaments to become white, anemic and even dead, and the wound brought by the parasite is easily infected with bacteria, causing gill ulceration, which can cause massive fish death in serious cases and bring serious economic losses to aquaculture. At present, there are few studies on the prevention and control of lake leeches. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted a study on the characteristics, pathogenesis and acute tox-icity of the Chinese lake leech under different drug treatments from the direction of drug preven-tion and control, in order to propose new research ideas on the prevention and control of the Chi-nese lake leech and regulate the use of related aquatic drugs, aiming to reduce the economic losses caused by the parasitic disease in a large surface aquaculture environment while avoiding the damage to freshwater caused by fishing drugs. %K 中华湖蛭,寄生虫,急性毒性试验,药物防控
Limnotrachelobdella sinensis %K Parasite %K Acute Toxicity Test %K Drug Control and Prevention %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81501