%0 Journal Article %T 房地产供需及房价的数学模型探究
Research on the Mathematical Model of Real Estate Supply and Demand and Housing Price %A 罗永晋 %A 陈英 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 494-499 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141046 %X 本文旨在探究房地产供需及与房价关系的数学模型。在第一部分,本文从宏观和微观两个层面对影响房地产供需关系的因素进行了深入分析,并探讨了房地产供需关系与房价之间的关系。在第二部分,本文详细描述了房地产供需及与房价关系的数学模型的构建流程,包括变量设置、自变量权重占比的确定以及模型验证分析,希望这项研究能为房地产市场的研究和实践提供一些有价值的参考。
This paper aims to explore the mathematical model of the relationship between real estate supply and demand and housing price. In the first part, this paper analyzes the factors affecting the real estate supply and demand relationship from the macro and micro levels, and discusses the relationship between the real estate supply and demand relationship and the housing price. In the second part, this paper describes in detail the construction process of the mathematical model of real estate supply and demand and its relationship with housing prices, including variable setting, determination of the weight ratio of independent variables and model verification analysis, hoping that this study can provide some valuable references for the research and practice of the real estate market. %K 房地产,供需关系,房价影响因素,数学模型构建
Real Estate %K Supply and Demand Relationship %K Influencing Factors of Housing Price %K Mathematical Model Construction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81621