%0 Journal Article %T 生产系统的状态检测和维修方案设计的研究
Research on Condition Monitoring of Production System and Design of Maintenance Scheme %A 王梅婧 %A 张斌 %A 付存宇 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 527-538 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141049 %X 研究了随机退化系统的状态检测和维修方案的决策问题。系统的退化服从伽马过程,当累积退化量达到阈值时,系统发生异常。采用在线抽样检验的方法,判定系统的运行状态。考虑到抽样检验存在两类误判的风险,在抽样报警时,根据进一步检查结果确定是否实施纠正性维修;如果抽样持续不报警,则在经过若干次抽样检验后,对系统实施预防性维修。构建了以单位时间平均损失最小为目标函数的经济模型,给出了抽样方案和抽检次数的决策方案。仿真模拟验证了所提模型的有效性,分析了模型参数对决策变量、单位时间平均损失和两类误判风险的影响。
The problem of state detection and decision-making of maintenance programmes for random degradation systems is investigated. The degradation of the system obeys the gamma process, and when the accumulated degradation reaches a threshold, the system becomes abnormal. The method of on-line sampling inspection is used to infer the running state of the system. Considering the risk of two types of errors in the sampling test, when the sampling alarms, further inspection is carried out to determine whether to implement corrective maintenance or not, and if the sampling continues without alarms, preventive maintenance is implemented on the system after a number of sampling tests. An economic model with the objective function of minimising the average loss per unit time is constructed to give a decision scheme for the sampling plan and the number of sampling inspections. Simulation verifies the validity of the proposed model and analyses the effects of the model parameters on the decision variables, the average loss per unit time and the risk of two types of errors. %K 随机退化,抽样检验,两类风险,维修决策
Random Degradation %K Sample Testing %K Two Types of Risk %K Maintenance Decisions %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81624