%0 Journal Article %T 基于NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光数据的青海省GDP空间化研究
Spatialization of GDP in Qinghai Province Based on NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data %A 浦春林 %J Geographical Science Research %P 47-56 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/GSER.2024.131006 %X 国内生产总值(GDP)是国民经济核算的重要指标,用于衡量一个国家或地区的经济状况。传统的GDP统计数据提供了地区宏观经济状况的数值信息,但无法反映地区内部的空间差异。为了更好地理解地区经济差异和经济状况,本文利用NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光数据,采用相关和回归分析,建立了综合灯光指数(CNLI)与青海省GDP之间的关系模型。通过该模型,对青海省GDP的空间分布进行了初步模拟,并采用线性调整的方法对各像元的GDP模拟值进行了修正,最终生成了青海省2016~2020年的GDP空间密度图。结果表明,该模型在对青海省各市级行政区的GDP进行模拟时表现出较高的准确度,有力地展现了青海省的经济分布和增长状况。夜间灯光数据与青海省各地区的经济活动水平呈现显著关联,展现出一定的空间分布规律。具体而言,在空间分布上,五年间青海省的GDP密度分布格局为东部高于西部,西南部最低,并以西宁市和海东市为聚集中心,向四周逐渐呈放射状递减。尤其是西宁市表现出市区经济占主导地位的特点,其主城区的经济发展水平明显高于其他区域。研究结果可为青海省未来的区域发展规划和政策制定提供重要参考。
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an important indicator used to measure the economic conditions of a country or region. Traditional GDP statistics provide numerical information on the macroeconomic situation of regions, but they fail to reflect internal spatial variations. To better understand regional economic disparities and conditions, this study utilized NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data and employed correlation and regression analysis to establish a relationship model between the Composite Nighttime Light Index (CNLI) and GDP in Qinghai Province. Through this model, the spatial distribution of GDP in Qinghai Province was preliminarily simulated, and linear adjustments were made to the simulated GDP values of each pixel. This resulted in the generation of a spatial density map of GDP for the years 2016~2020 in Qinghai Province. The results demonstrated that the model exhibited a high level of accuracy in simulating the GDP of various municipal-level administrative regions in Qinghai Province, effectively depicting the economic distribution and growth. Nighttime light data showed a significant correlation with the level of economic activity in different regions of Qinghai Province, revealing certain spatial distribution patterns. Specifically, in terms of spatial distribution, the density of GDP in Qinghai Province over the five years was higher in the eastern region compared to the western region, with the southwestern part being the lowest. Xining City and Haidong City emerged as the focal points of economic concentration, with a gradual radial decrease in GDP density towards the surrounding areas. Particularly, Xining City displayed the characteristic of the dominance of the urban area’s economy, with significantly higher levels of economic development compared to other regions. The research findings can provide important references for future regional development planning and policy formulation in Qinghai Province. %K 夜间灯光,NPP-VIIRS,青海省,GDP空间化
Nighttime Light %K NPP-VIIRS %K Qinghai Province %K Spatialization of GDP %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81632