%0 Journal Article %T 陕北长城沿线风沙区耕地产能核算研究
Research on Arable Land Productivity Accounting in the Wind and Sand Area along the Northern Shaanxi Great Wall %A 薄征 %A 王军红 %A 苏玉琴 %A 魏润哲 %J Geographical Science Research %P 70-80 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/GSER.2024.131008 %X 为了科学合理测算耕地的粮食综合生产能力,保障国家粮食安全,在耕地自然质量和利用成果的基础上,以陕北长城沿线风沙区为例,通过调查样点指定作物粮食单产,采用回归模型法,分别建立指定作物标准粮理论单产和耕地自然质量等指数、可实现单产和利用等指数的线性回归函数模型,测算了理论、可实现和实际三个层次的单产、产能、利用强度、利用潜力,提出了陕北长城沿线风沙区提高农用地产能的措施和建议。
In order to scientifically and reasonably assess the comprehensive production capacity of arable land, ensuring national food security, based on the results of natural quality and utilization of arable land, this paper takes the wind and sand area along the northern Shaanxi Great Wall as an example. Through investigating sample points and specifying crop grain yields, a regression model method is employed. Linear regression function models are separately established for the specified crop standard grain theoretical yield, arable land natural quality index, achievable yield, and utilization index. The calculations include theoretical, achievable, and actual levels of yield, capacity, utilization intensity, and utilization potential. Measures and suggestions for improving the agricultural land productivity in the wind and sand area along the northern Shaanxi Great Wall are proposed. %K 农用地分等,产能核算,陕北长城沿线风沙区
Classification of Agricultural Land %K Productivity Accounting %K Wind and Sand Area along the Northern Shaanxi Great Wall %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81634