%0 Journal Article %T 以民生财政视角审视中国体育彩票公益金管理中的问题及策略优化
Examining the Problems and Strategic Optimization in the Management of China’s Sports Lottery Public Welfare Funds from the Perspective of People’s Livelihood and Finance %A 喇珺宜 %J Advances in Physical Sciences %P 102-108 %@ 2334-3478 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APS.2024.121018 %X 通过明晰“民生财政”的内涵、理清体育彩票公益金与民生财政的关系,为更新体育彩票公益金管理理念提供方向。体育彩票公益金作为民生福祉项目重要的资金来源,其管理理念直接影响着公益金使用方向与资助项目的选择。当前体育彩票公益金管理中存在诸多问题,例如区域分配不平衡、项目选择偏向、信息透明度不足等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了强化区域间公益金的公平分配、按公众所需选择公益金资助项目、完善监管机制实现信息透明化等助推体育彩票公益金管理理念更新的路径。
By clarifying the connotation of “people’s livelihood finance” and clarifying the relationship between sports lottery public welfare funds and people’s livelihood finance, it provides direction for updating the management concept of sports lottery public welfare funds. The sports lottery public welfare fund is an important source of funds for people’s livelihood and welfare projects, and its management philosophy directly affects the use direction of the public welfare fund and the selec-tion of funded projects. There are many problems in the current management of sports lottery public welfare funds, such as unbalanced regional distribution, biased project selection, and insuf-ficient information transparency. In response to these problems, this article proposes ways to promote the update of sports lottery public welfare fund management concepts, such as strength-ening the fair distribution of public welfare funds between regions, selecting public welfare fund-funded projects according to public needs, and improving the supervision mechanism to achieve information transparency. %K 民生财政,体育彩票公益金管理,公益金管理问题
People’s Livelihood Finance %K Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund Management %K Public Welfare Fund Management Issues %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81638