%0 Journal Article %T 基于Power BI财务可视化视角的尚品宅配经营业绩研究
Research on Business Performance of Shangpin Home Distribution Based on Financial Visualization Perspective of Power BI %A 李小军 %A 范少芬 %A 张冰辉 %J Modern Management %P 260-271 %@ 2160-732X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MM.2024.142034 %X 在过去几年里,由于国内外大环境的影响,各行业的发展都受到了巨大的冲击,定制家具行业也不例外。本文主要借助Power BI财务分析可视化研究过去几年尚品宅配的经营情况。尚品宅配作为一家定制家具行业的领先企业,一直在整装模式方面转型升级,随着过去几年经济的不景气,消费者的需求下降,尤其是在家居消费领域,这对尚品宅配的销售产生了直接的影响。同时,国内针对大环境实施的措施也导致生产和物流受到阻碍,影响了尚品宅配的生产和供应链。在此期间,尚品宅配也尝试采取一些积极的措施来应对大环境带来的挑战。例如,加强线上销售、优化生产流程、增加自营城市招商引资力度,在技术方面与京东签订技术开发合同等,这些措施让尚品宅配的业绩有所上升,但短时间内无法使尚品宅配恢复以往亮眼的业绩,未来还可以通过拓展线上渠道、完善供应链以及拓宽海外市场等方式加快公司业绩恢复速度。
In the past few years, due to the influence of the domestic and foreign environment, the development of various industries has been greatly impacted, and the custom furniture industry is no exception. This paper mainly uses Power BI financial analysis visualization to study the management of Shangpin Home Distribution in the past few years. As a leading enterprise in the custom furniture industry, Shangpin Home Distribution has been transforming and upgrading in the whole package model. With the economic downturn in the past few years, consumer demand has declined, especially in the field of home consumption, which has a direct impact on the sales of Shangpin Home Distribution. At the same time, domestic measures implemented for the environment have also led to production and logistics obstacles, affecting the production and supply chain of Shangpin Home Distribution. During this period, Shangpin House Distribution also tried to take some positive measures to deal with the challenges brought by the environment. For example, strengthening online sales, optimizing production processes, increasing investment promotion in self-run cities, and signing technology development contracts with Jingdong in terms of technology, these measures have increased the performance of Shangpin Home Distribution, but in a short time, Shangpin Home Distribution can not restore the previous outstanding performance. In the future, we can speed up the recovery of the company’s performance by expanding online channels, improving the supply chain and expanding overseas markets. %K 尚品宅配,财务分析,Power BI
Shangpin Home Distribution %K Financial Analysis %K Power BI %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81724