%0 Journal Article %T Z世代对于短视频广告植入的态度及商业变现潜力影响调查
Survey on Generation Z’s Attitude towards Short Video Advertising Implantation and Its Impact on Commercial Realization Potential %A 徐李荔 %A 高京菁 %A 刘生敏 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 619-627 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141058 %X 基于短视频广告行业高速发展的现状,本研究以Z世代群体为例,采用问卷调查的方式,通过因子分析、独立样本t检验与有序Logistic回归的方法,分析Z世代对短视频广告的商业变现潜力影响,利用Python爬虫补充网络文本分析以打破研究对象的局限性,了解不同群体对短视频广告的态度。研究表明:短视频广告对广告商与产品销售产生正向作用,但负向影响用户浏览体验,且短视频广告商业变现最大的影响因素为用户购买产品的意愿和态度。基于结论,为提高短视频广告的商业变现能力提出相关建议。
Based on the rapid development of the short video advertising industry, this research takes the Generation Z group as an example, uses the method of questionnaire survey, through factor analysis, independent sample T-test and ordered Logistic regression for data analysis, and their impact on the commercial realization potential of short video advertising is analyzed. In addition, Python crawler is used to supplement web text analysis to break the limitations of research objects, understand different users’ attitudes toward short video ads. The research shows that short video advertising has a positive effect on advertisers and products, but has a negative impact on users’ browsing experience, and the biggest factor affecting the commercial realization of short video advertising is users’ willingness and attitude to buy products. Based on the conclusion, suggestions are put forward to improve the commercial realization ability of short video advertisement. %K Z世代,短视频广告,商业变现
Generation Z %K Short Video Advertising %K Commercial Realization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81714