%0 Journal Article %T 《宠儿》中的黑人女性意识觉醒
The Awakening of Black Women’s Consciousness in Beloved %A 周雨萌 %J World Literature Studies %P 20-23 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121004 %X 托尼?莫里森是美国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家,其第五部作品《宠儿》改编自历史上真实的奴隶母亲弑婴事件,描写了美国残忍的奴隶制度下的一位黑人奴隶母亲塞丝的血泪史。其中,女主人公塞丝、婆婆贝比?萨克斯、小女儿丹芙三位女性人物贯穿全书,从贝比?萨克斯到塞丝,最后到丹芙的思想觉醒体现出莫里森笔下黑人女性的成长之路。分析塞丝祖孙三代不断进步的女性意识,不仅有助于理解作品中黑人女性的觉醒之路,对莫里森的作品思想亦能提供很好的帮助。
Toni Morrison is the first black female writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in the U.S. Her second book, Beloved, is adapted from a historically true incident of infanticide by a slave mother, and depicts the bloody history of a black slave mother, Seth, under the brutal slavery system of the United States. Among them, the heroine Seth, her mother-in-law Babe Sachs, and her youngest daughter Danf three female characters throughout the book, from Babe Sachs to Seth, and finally to the awakening of Danf’s thinking reflects the growth path of black women under Morrison’s writing. Analysing the progressive female consciousness of Seth’s grandparents and grandchildren not only helps to understand the path of black women’s awakening in the work, but also provides a good help to Morrison’s thoughts on the work. %K 托尼• %K 莫里森,《宠儿》,黑人女性,觉醒
Toni Morrison %K Beloved %K Black Women %K Awakening %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81723