%0 Journal Article %T 需求视角下城市老年人数字素养提升对策研究
Research on the Countermeasures to Improve Digital Literacy of the Urban Elderly from the Perspective of Demand %A 袁满 %J Sustainable Development %P 339-349 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.142043 %X 在老龄化与数字化叠加的背景下,提升老年人的数字素养成为了社会关注的重要问题。为此,本文选取四川省成都市的老年人作为研究对象,通过对12位60岁以上的老年人进行深入访谈,并基于需求视角分析老年人实际的数字需求,提出了老年人数字素养的提升对策。研究发现,老年人的数字需求可以根据掌握数字技能的必要性和对数字技能的态度两个方面划分为四个类型,即主动型需求、探索型需求、勉强型需求、渐退型需求。本文以老年人数字需求为基础,从提供个性化的数字素养提升服务和针对性的数字技能培养方式两方面入手探讨了老年人数字素养的提升策略,有助于老年人更好地融入数字社会。
Under the background of aging and digitalization superposition, improving the digital literacy of the elderly has become an important issue of social concern. Therefore, this paper selected the elderly in Chengdu, Sichuan Province as the research object, conducted in-depth interviews with 12 elderly people over 60 years old, analyzed the actual digital needs of the elderly based on the perspective of demand, and proposed countermeasures to improve the digital literacy of the elderly. The research finds that the digital needs of the elderly can be divided into four types according to the necessity of mastering digital skills and the attitude towards digital skills, namely, active needs, exploratory needs, reluctant needs and gradual needs. Based on the digital needs of the elderly, this paper discusses the strategies to improve the digital literacy of the elderly from two aspects: providing personalized digital literacy promotion services and targeted digital skills training methods, which will help the elderly better integrate into the digital society. %K 老年人,老龄化,数字化,数字素养,数字需求
The Elderly %K Aging %K Digitalization %K Digital Literacy %K Digital Demand %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81861