%0 Journal Article %T 充电桩碳减排服务场景减排方法模型及碳普惠价值研究
Research on Emission Reduction Method Model and Carbon Inclusive Value of Charging Pile Carbon Emission Reduction Service Scenarios %A 高国庆 %A 郑云鹏 %A 崔超 %A 陈婉尹 %A 周云 %A 周华 %A 苏文祥 %A 冯至诚 %A 唐萌军 %A 毛伟 %J Sustainable Development %P 402-408 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.142049 %X “碳达峰、碳中和”成为国家战略,我国抓紧制定了“1 + N”政策体系,涉及能源、工业、交通运输、城乡建设等各个领域,推动经济社会全面绿色低碳发展成为长期的工作重点。电网企业作为这场绿色革命的排头兵,连接着电力生产和消费的两端,是推动全社会降碳的重要力量,研究一套适用特定场景下的碳减排量核算方法和模型,有助于量化评估电网企业减排成效。同时,探索碳普惠价值应用新模式,有利于推动电网战略中新兴产业的价值实现,又能体现电网企业对经济社会绿色低碳转型中的引领作用。
Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality have become national strategies, and China has promptly formulated a “1 + N” policy system that involves various fields such as energy, industry, transporta-tion, and urban-rural construction. Promoting comprehensive green and low-carbon development of the economy and society has become a long-term focus of work. As the vanguard of this green revolution, power grid enterprises connect the two ends of electricity production and consumption, and are an important force in promoting carbon reduction in the whole society. Researching a set of carbon reduction accounting methods and models applicable to specific scenarios can help quan-titatively evaluate the emission reduction effectiveness of power grid enterprises. At the same time, exploring new models of carbon inclusive value application is conducive to promoting the value realization of emerging industries in the power grid strategy, and can also reflect the leading role of power grid enterprises in the green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society. %K 碳减排,减排场景,测算模型,碳普惠
Carbon Emission Reduction %K Emission Reduction Scenarios %K Calculation Model %K Carbon Inclusion %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81922