%0 Journal Article %T 极小模原理的一类三阶全对称张量不等式应用
Application of the Minimal Normal Tensors to a Class of Third-Order Fully Symmetric Tensor Inequalities %A 段德园 %A 龚一帆 %J Pure Mathematics %P 649-654 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.142064 %X 本文研究了共形形式Φ消失的三阶全对称张量Ai,j,k的极小模张量,我们利用极小模的非负性证明了不等式\"\"
In this paper, we study the minimal norm tensors of the third order full symmetry tensors Ai,j,k, with vanishes from the conformal form Φ. We prove the inequality\"\" by using the non-negativity of the minimal norm. %K 极小模原理,子流形,Blaschke张量,共形形式
Minimal Norm Tensors %K Submanifolds %K Blaschke Tensors %K Conformal Form %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81736