%0 Journal Article %T “后真相”语境下《全网公敌》的创作意义分析
Analysis of the Creative Significance of Public Enemy of the Whole Network in the Context of “Post-Truth” %A 胡晓雨 %J Journalism and Communications %P 149-153 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121024 %X 《黑镜》系列作品具有深刻的后现代主义特征,《全网公敌》中对于网络暴力的探讨对于当前网络世界的安全有着极大的教育意义。本文以文本《全网公敌》为研究对象,以“后真相时代”为理论基础,从“后真相时代”下《全网公敌》的创作意义入手,对本文内容进行阐述。
The Black Mirror series has a profound postmodernist character, and the discussion of cyber violence in Public Enemy of the Whole Network has great educational significance for the security of the current cyber world. This paper takes the text Public Enemy of the Whole Network as the research object, takes the “post-truth era” as the theoretical basis, and expounds the content of this paper from the perspective of the creative significance of Public Enemy of the Whole Network in the “post-truth era”. %K 《全网公敌》,“后真相时代”,创作意义
Public Enemy of the Whole Network %K “Post-Truth Era” %K Creative Significance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81789