%0 Journal Article %T 人工智能视角下新闻生产的伦理失范与规制对策
Ethical Misconduct and Regulatory Strategies in News Production from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence %A 司姣姣 %A 黄迎新 %J Journalism and Communications %P 178-185 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121029 %X 随着人工智能的快速发展和应用,ChatGPT作为强大的自然语言生成工具,在新闻领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。面对ChatGPT与新闻生产的深度融合,为探究ChatGPT对美国新闻生产流程的解构与重塑,对我国的新闻生产进行借鉴与思考,本文对新闻生产方式的变迁进行了梳理,探究人工智能技术在重塑美国新闻生产的同时如何新闻生产进行解构,指出人工智能技术应用于美国新闻生产带来的新闻伦理失范,分析政府机构、技术公司与新闻记者如何共同实现人工智能新闻生产的伦理建构。最后对人工智能技术与我国新闻生产的融合进行理论性借鉴与实践性思考,实现人工智能技术与记者的协同发展。
With the rapid development and application of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, as a powerful natural language generation tool, is playing an increasingly important role in the field of journalism. Faced with the deep integration of ChatGPT and news production, this article explores the deconstruction and reshaping of the US news production process, and reflects on the implications for China’s news production. The article reviews the changes in news production methods and examines how artificial intelligence technology reshapes US news production while deconstructing it. It points out the ethical dilemmas brought about by the application of artificial intelligence technology in US news production and analyzes how government agencies, technology companies, and journalists can work together to establish ethical guidelines for AI-powered news production. Finally, it provides theoretical insights and practical considerations for the integration of artificial intelligence technology and news production in China, aiming to achieve collaborative development between AI technology and journalists. %K ChatGPT,人工智能,新闻生产,人机协同
ChatGPT %K Artificial Intelligence %K News Production %K Human-Machine Collaboration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81800