%0 Journal Article %T 车载终端的辐射杂散整改分析
Rectification and Analysis of Radiation Spurious Emissions in Vehicle Terminals %A 彭华睿 %A 招泽添 %A 丁娟 %J Applied Physics %P 45-51 %@ 2160-7575 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APP.2024.142007 %X 随着电子无线通信飞速发展,无线通信模块不仅限于手机与平板电脑,很多生活中常用的设备也都集成了无线通讯模块,例如手表、家用电器、车载设备终端。在认证检测中发现射频的辐射杂散指标很容易超标,本文将重点围绕车载终端产品产生的辐射杂散原因及整改方案进行分析。
With the rapid development of electronic wireless communication, wireless communication modules are not only limited to mobile phones and tablets, but also integrated into many commonly used devices in daily life, such as watches, household appliances, and car equipment terminals. During certification testing, it was found that the radiation spurious emissions indicators of radio frequency are easily exceeding the standard. This article will focus on analyzing the causes of radiation stray generated by vehicle terminal products and the corrective measures. %K 辐射杂散,传导杂散,最大发射功率,信道带宽
Radiated Spurious Emissions %K Conducted Spurious Emissions %K Maximum Transmission Power %K Channel Bandwidth %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82028