%0 Journal Article %T 一种基于图像的隧道表面裂缝波折程度量化参数获取算法
An Algorithm for Quantifying the Degree of Waviness of Tunnel Surface Cracks Based on Image Analysis %A 陈歌 %A 钟晨杰 %A 李志鹏 %J Computer Science and Application %P 415-427 %@ 2161-881X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CSA.2024.142042 %X 隧道衬砌表面裂缝的外部形态各异,为了全面地量化隧道衬砌表面裂缝的不平整度,本文提出了一种宏观与微观相结合多尺度量化波折程度的方法。该方法基于图像处理技术从采集图像中提取出裂缝轮廓曲线,使用最小二乘法拟合轮廓中线,自动提取出能反映裂缝宏观起伏的α参数和微观波折的Ra参数,将两个裂缝轮廓曲线量化参数相结合实现对隧道裂缝波折程度的精准评估。实验结果表明,这种宏观与微观相结合的方法能够有效量化裂缝的波折程度,为进一步合理评估衬砌表面开裂情况提供客观依据。
The external morphology of cracks on tunnel lining surfaces varies widely. To comprehensively quantify the irregularities of tunnel lining surface cracks, this paper proposes a multiscale method that combines macroscopic and microscopic quantification of waviness. Based on image processing techniques, the method extracts crack contour curves from collected images, fits the central line of the contour using the least squares method, and automatically extracts parameters α reflecting the macroscopic undulation and Ra reflecting microscopic waviness. The combination of these two quantified parameters of crack contour curves enables precise evaluation of the degree of waviness in tunnel cracks. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this combined macroscopic and microscopic approach in quantifying the degree of waviness, providing an objective basis for a more rational assessment of the cracking situation on lining surfaces. %K 隧道表面裂缝,数字图像处理,波折程度参数
Tunnel Surface Cracks %K Digital Image Processing %K Degree of Waviness Parameters %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82051