%0 Journal Article %T 数字营销策略下的格力集团扩张战略分析
Analysis of Gree Group’s Expansion Strategy under the Digital Marketing Framework %A 张轶菲 %J E-Commerce Letters %P 313-318 %@ 2168-5851 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ECL.2024.131038 %X 本文以数字营销策略为背景,深入分析了格力在财务状况方面的整体表现。通过综合应用财务数据和资产负债表,详细探讨了格力在数字营销战略指导下的经营状况、资产结构和盈利能力。分析结果表明,格力在经营主导的发展战略中表现出色,核心企业在供应链中占据核心地位,推动整个供应链的协同发展。同时,本文重点探讨了在数字营销策略下格力的扩张效应,为格力提供了在资产配置、风险降低和盈利能力提高等方面的战略建议。最终,结合研究结果提出了未来发展的建议,突出数字营销策略对企业长远发展的积极影响。这一研究为企业决策提供了有价值的参考,强调了数字营销策略在推动企业健康发展中的关键作用。
This article takes digital marketing strategy as the background and conducts an in-depth analysis of Gree’s overall financial performance. By comprehensively applying financial data and balance sheets, it delves into Gree’s operational conditions, asset structure, and profitability guided by the digital marketing strategy. The analysis reveals Gree’s outstanding performance within the framework of its business-driven development strategy, with the core enterprise occupying a pivotal position in the supply chain, propelling the collaborative development of the entire supply chain. Additionally, the paper extensively explores Gree’s expansion effects under the digital marketing strategy, offering strategic recommendations for asset allocation, risk mitigation, and profitability enhancement. Finally, combining the research findings, the paper provides future development suggestions, highlighting the positive impact of digital marketing strategy on long-term corporate development. This study serves as a valuable reference for corporate decision-making, emphasizing the crucial role of digital marketing strategy in propelling healthy corporate development. %K 数字营销策略,扩张效应,控制性投资,格力集团
Digital Marketing Strategy %K Expansion Effect %K Control Investment %K Gree Group %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81998