%0 Journal Article %T B站鬼畜视频传播特性研究
Research on the Transmission Characteristics of Ghost Animal Video in BiliBili %A 李肖潇 %J Journalism and Communications %P 193-200 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121031 %X 随着互联网技术的兴起,和移动终端的发展,作为新兴亚文化代表的B站鬼畜视频也逐渐融入人们的生活,随着鬼畜视频的本土化发展,也出现了存在潜在的网络暴力、缺乏管理制约等问题。本文以鬼畜视频从小众亚文化向大众化发展为主线,通过问卷调查法、文献研究法、案例分析法,重点研究在这一过程中,鬼畜视频的小中亚文化特征及其本身所具有的传播特点,并以此为依据揭示B站鬼畜视频发展至今面临的问题,并从中得出有关鬼畜视频的价值反思,以蔡徐坤篮球视频为例,做更深一步的探讨,从而挖掘鬼畜视频的品牌营销价值,引导其在将来的发展中更加健康向上。
With the rise of internet technology and the development of mobile terminals, as a representative of emerging subcultures, BiliBili ghost video has gradually integrated into people’s lives. With the localization of ghost video, there have also been potential issues such as online violence and lack of management constraints. This article takes the development of ghost animal video from a niche subculture to a mass culture as the main theme. Through questionnaire survey, literature research, and case analysis methods, the focus is on studying the cultural characteristics of ghost animal video in Central Asia and its own dissemination characteristics. Based on this, the problems faced by the development of ghost animal video on BiliBili are revealed, and the value reflection of ghost animal video is drawn from it. Taking Cai Xukun’s basketball video as an example, Further exploration will be conducted to explore the brand marketing value of ghost animal video and guide it to become healthier and more upward in its future development. %K 鬼畜视频,亚文化,传播特性,品牌价值
Ghost Animal Video %K Subculture %K Propagation Characteristics %K Brand Value %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81965