%0 Journal Article %T 与狮共舞:探析《吾是吾妻》中的权力对抗策略
Dancing with the Lion: Strategies for Opposing Power in I Am My Own Wife %A 何星莹 %A 侯晓锦 %J World Literature Studies %P 24-29 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121005 %X 道格?怀特(Doug Wright)创作的《吾是吾妻》于2004年获得普利策戏剧奖,是第一个获奖的单人戏剧。不同于传统意义上的人物传记剧,该剧呈现出后现代戏剧的典型特点。话语前后冲突、声音重叠、风格多变令人迷惑不解。主人公夏洛特呼吁个体保留思考的力量,坚持充分个性化的发展,灵活地采用各种策略对抗权力,警惕个体被不同的权力驯服和异化。
Doug Wright’s I Am My Own Wife won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2004, as the only one-man play to receive this award. Unlike traditional biographical dramas, this drama shows typical characteristics of postmodern drama. The contradicting narrations, overlapping voices, and varied styles are confusing to the audience. The protagonist Charlotte calls on individuals to fully value the power of thinking and adopt strategies so as to confront power and achieve individual development, instead of being tamed and alienated by power. %K 普利策获奖戏剧,《吾是吾妻》,道格• %K 怀特,极权社会,权力对抗策略
Pulitzer Prize Winning Drama %K I Am My Own Wife %K Doug Wright %K Totalitarian Society %K Strategies for Opposing Power %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82033