%0 Journal Article %T 理想“父亲”的追寻——对比张爱玲《茉莉香片》与远野遥《破局》中精神父亲的建构
The Pursuit of the Ideal Fatherhood—A Comparative Analysis of the Pursuit and Construction of the Spiritual Fatherhood in Eileen Chang’s Jasmine Tea and HarukaTono’s Hakyoku %A 冉一茗 %J World Literature Studies %P 30-37 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121006 %X 张爱玲《茉莉香片》中刻画的聂传庆这一人物形象,展现了其对精神父亲的追寻,与在此基础上对于理想自我的建构,以及最终理想父亲的形象破灭后呈现的雄性反击与自我否定。在远野遥《破局》中,男主人公阳介也有着类似的情形,但二者在父亲的“缺席”与理想自我的构建上又有所不同,选择这两篇文本,运用文本细读与比较文学的方法,以《茉莉香片》为主,与《破局》进行对比分析,结合作者的生平经历,借助弗洛伊德精神分析学说与父性文化的研究,探寻其笔下人物对于精神父亲的追寻与建构。
The character of NieChuan-qing in Eileen Chang’s “Jasmine Tea” shows his pursuit of a spiritual father, his construction of an ideal self on that basis, and his male counterattack and self-denial when the ideal father figure is finally shattered. In Haruka Tono’s “Hakyoku”, the main character Yosuke is in a similar situation, but the two texts are different in terms of the “absence” of the fa-ther and the construction of the ideal self. These two texts are selected and analysed using the methods of textual close reading and comparative literature, with “Jasmine Tea” as the main subject and “Hakyoku” as a comparison, combining with the author’s life experience, and with the help of Freudian psychoanalysis and the research on fatherhood culture, we explore the pursuit and construction of spiritual fatherhood of the characters in the author’s works. %K 张爱玲,《茉莉香片》,远野遥,《破局》,精神父亲,理想父亲,精神分析
Eileen Chang %K Jasmine Tea %K Haruka Tono %K Hakyoku %K Spiritual Fatherhood %K Ideal Fatherhood %K Psychoanalysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82036