%0 Journal Article %T 论李清照词中“花”意象的情感意蕴
On the Emotional Implications of “Flower” Imagery in Li Qingzhao’s Words %A 闭煜铨 %A 梁覃覃 %J World Literature Studies %P 43-47 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121008 %X 宋代杰出女词人李清照的诗词中运用了大量“花”意象,因而“花”意象是构成李清照富有生命张力与情感意蕴的世界的一个重要意象。其中梅花、海棠、菊花等丰富多样的花意象在其词中有独特的情感意蕴。通过分析其不同时期词中不同的“花”意象可以品出其所表达的情感意蕴不同,如感叹光阴易逝、赞扬高尚人格情操、哀叹身世命运等。本文将从各个时期花意象的内涵对词人情感意蕴进行分析和探讨。
Li Qingzhao, an outstanding female lyricist of the Song Dynasty, used a lot of “flower” imagery in her poems, and “flower” imagery is an important imagery that constitutes Li Qingzhao’s world rich in life tension and emotional meaning. Among them, plum blossoms, begonias, chrysanthemums and other rich and varied flower images have unique emotional connotations in Li Qingzhao’s words. Analyzing the different “flower” images in the words of different periods, we can find out the different emotional connotations expressed, such as lamenting the passing of time, praising the noble character, lamenting the fate of the world, etc. In this paper, we will analyze the flower images from the different periods. In this paper, we will analyze and discuss the emotional connotation of the words from the connotation of flower imagery in each period. %K 李清照,词,“花”意象,情感意蕴
Li Qingzhao %K Words %K “Flower” Imagery %K Emotional Meaning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82042