%0 Journal Article %T 经济视角中的《烟霞里》
Research from an Economic Perspective about In the Misty Mist %A 叶从容 %J World Literature Studies %P 48-52 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121009 %X 《烟霞里》潜行了一条贯穿始终的经济叙事线索,时间上连缀起主人公田庄从出生到离世的四十余载,空间上覆盖了从内地乡村、县城、地级市到改革开放的热土珠三角。通过这条经济叙事线索,可以更加清晰地呈现普通中国人家的起起落落以及个体命运的荣辱悲欢背后的驱动力,为文本的解读增加一个新的维度。
There is an economic narrative thread that runs through In The Misty Mist. It connects the prota-gonist Tianzhuang from birth to death in time, covering the Pearl River Delta from rural areas in mainland China, county towns, prefecture level cities to the hot land of reform and opening up. Through this economic narrative thread, the driving forces behind the ups and downs of ordinary Chinese households and the joys and sorrows of individual destiny can be presented more clearly, adding a new dimension to the interpretation of the text. %K 经济叙事,《烟霞里》,岭南经验
Economic Narrative %K In the Misty Mist %K Lingnan Experience %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82045