%0 Journal Article %T 农村家庭养老问题对策研究——以清水江流域民族地区为例
Research on the Countermeasures of Rural Family Pension Problems—Taking Ethnic Areas in Qingshui River Basin as an Example %A 白雪 %J Aging Research %P 145-151 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111021 %X 随着中国老龄化问题的日益严重,我们必须关注农村的家庭养老情况。本文通过对比清水江流域民族地区传统的农村家庭养老与现如今的家庭养老情况,分析出现如今清水江流域民族地区农村家庭养老面临的困境,包括老人养老经济来源单一、身体健康情况重视不够、尚未关注精神赡养方面以及养老观念与子女发生冲突等问题。针对这些情况,从传统家庭养老的经验和根据实地调查的情况提出了具体的建议。
As China’s aging problem is becoming more and more serious, we must pay attention to the rural family pension situation. By comparing the traditional rural family pension in the ethnic areas of the Qingshui River Basin with the current family pension situation, this paper analyzes the difficulties faced by the rural family pension in the ethnic areas of the Qingshui River Basin, including the single economic source of the elderly pension, the lack of attention to physical health, the lack of attention to spiritual support, and the conflict between the concept of old-age care and children. In view of these situations, specific suggestions are put forward from the experience of traditional family pension and based on the situation of field investigation. %K 农村,家庭养老,清水江流域,民族地区
Rural %K Family Pension %K Qingshui River Basin %K Ethnic Areas %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81950