%0 Journal Article %T 长期护理保险政策对老年人健康水平的影响研究——基于CHARLS追踪调查数据的检验
A Study on the Impact of Long-Term Care Insurance Policies on the Health Level of the Elderly—A Test Based on CHARLS Tracking Survey Data %A 贾梦媛 %J Aging Research %P 218-228 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111031 %X 长期护理保险政策是应对人口老龄化、健全社会保障体系、促进社会和谐稳定的重大民生工程。本文基于2011~2018年中国健康与养老跟踪调查(CHARLS)数据,运用双重差分法实证检验了长期护理保险政策对17个试点城市参保老年人健康水平的影响。研究发现,长期护理保险对老年人健康水平具有显著的改善作用,且对老年人健康水平的影响存在异质性。长期护理保险对女性自评健康及心理水平的影响更加显著,对于西部地区老年人的生理健康影响相对较大,而东部地区老年人的心理健康则更容易受到影响。该结论进一步丰富并拓展了我国长期护理保险政策相关领域的研究,为推进长期护理保险政策从试点到全国范围内的推广提供参考。
Long-term care insurance policy is a major livelihood project to cope with the aging of the population, improve the social security system, and promote social harmony and stability. Based on the data of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) from 2011 to 2018, this paper empirically examines the impact of long-term care insurance policies on the health level of the insured elderly in 17 pilot cities by using the difference-in-difference method. The study found that long-term care insurance has a significant improvement effect on the health level of the elderly, and the impact on the health level of the elderly is heterogeneous. Long-term care insurance has a more significant impact on women’s self-rated health and psychological level, and has a relatively greater impact on the physical health of the elderly in the western region, while the mental health of the elderly in the eastern region is more likely to be affected. The conclusion further enriches and expands the research on long-term care insurance policies in China, and provides a reference for promoting the promotion of long-term care insurance policies from pilot to nationwide. %K 长期护理保险政策,老年人,健康水平,双重差分法
Long-Term Care Insurance Policy %K The Elderly %K Health Level %K Difference-in-Difference Method %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82129