%0 Journal Article %T 我国企业社会责任缺失研究现状可视化分析
Visual Analysis of Research Status on Corporate Social Responsibility Deficiency in China %A 马畅 %A 寇小萱 %J Sustainable Development %P 454-463 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.142055 %X 分析我国企业社会责任缺失研究现状可更好地推动我国企业社会责任方面的研究,为企业面对品牌危机时建立良好的危机管理体系和采取适当的应对策略提供理论指导。文章以中国知网数据库作为文献数据来源,利用CiteSpace软件对我国关于企业社会责任缺失方向的研究文献进行了发文数量、作者、研究机构、关键词等可视化分析,呈现该领域的研究现状。研究发现:当前我国企业社会责任缺失方向的研究较少,作者合作网络已经形成;且研究机构遍布全国,不同地区之间院校存在跨地区合作现象;当前研究热点为品牌危机、危机管理、新媒体以及企业组织。未来关于企业社会责任缺失方向的研究可考虑消费者反应机制以及对企业、消费者行为影响方面。
Analyzing the research status of corporate social responsibility deficiency in China can better pro-mote research on corporate social responsibility in China, and provide theoretical guidance for en-terprises to establish a good crisis management system and adopt appropriate response strategies when facing brand crises. The article uses the China National Knowledge Infrastructure database as the source of literature data, and uses CiteSpace software to visually analyze the research literature on the direction of corporate social responsibility deficiency in China, including the number of pub-lications, authors, research institutions, keywords, etc., presenting the research status in this field. Research has found that there is relatively little research on corporate social responsibility deficiency in China, and the author’s collaborative network has already formed; and research institutions are spread throughout the country, and there is a phenomenon of cross-regional cooperation among universities in different regions; the current research hotspots are brand crisis, crisis management, new media, and corporate organization. Future research on corporate social responsibility deficiency can consider consumer response mechanisms and their impact on businesses and consumer behavior. %K 企业社会责任缺失,CiteSpace可视化分析,知识图谱,文献计量,研究现状
Corporate Social Responsibility Deficiency %K CiteSpace Visualization Analysis %K Knowledge Map %K Bibliometrics %K Research Status %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82095