%0 Journal Article %T 赵正孝治疗肝硬化门静脉高压症经验
Zhao Zhengxiao’s Experience in Treating Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension %A 罗秋月 %A 刘戈 %A 李梦婷 %A 周晓玲 %A 赵正孝 %J Traditional Chinese Medicine %P 350-355 %@ 2166-6059 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TCM.2024.133055 %X 肝硬化门静脉高压症是肝硬化发展过程中重要的血管与循环系统表现,以侧支循环建立和开放、脾肿大、腹水、上消化道出血等为临床特点。赵正孝认为,肝硬化病程中,由于假小叶增生,肝脏血管形态发生改变,肝脏血液瘀滞,血脉不畅,导致门静脉压力升高。整理赵正孝诊治肝硬化门静脉高压症经验,其运用五藤饮方治疗肝硬化门静脉高压症经验,辨病辨证相结合,配伍严谨,用药灵活,疗效确切。赵师强调发病之本为瘀血,瘀血不除,脉络不通,瘀血不去,瘀滞日久,导致门脉高压等一系列并发症,治疗上强调活血通脉,活血通脉之法应贯穿肝硬化门静脉高压症治疗的始终,利用藤类药物通达血脉的作用,促进气血津液的运行,有效改善肝脏微循环,从而延缓病情的进展,有效减少肝硬化并发症的发生,改善临床愈后,附验案以佐证。
Portal hypertension in cirrhosis is an important vascular and circulatory manifestation in the de-velopment of cirrhosis. It is characterized by the establishment and opening of collateral circulation, splenomegaly, ascites and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Chief physician Zhao Zhengxiao believes that in the course of cirrhosis, due to pseudlobular hyperplasia, liver blood vessel morphology changes, liver blood stasis, blood obstruction, resulting in increased portal vein pressure. To sum-marize Zhao Zhengxiao’s experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cirrhosis portal hypertension, his experience in the treatment of cirrhosis portal hypertension with Wuteng Yin prescription, the combination of disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation, strict compatibility, flexible use of drugs, and accurate curative effect, Professor Zhao stressed that the root of the disease is blood stasis, blood stasis is not removed, the vein is blocked, Blood stasis does not go away, and prolonged stasis leads to a series of complications such as portal hypertension. In treatments, the method of promoting blood circulation and pulse circulation should be emphasized throughout the treatment of portal hypertension in cirrhosis. Rattan drugs are used to access blood vessels, pro-mote the operation of Qi-blood body fluid, effectively improve liver microcirculation, thus delaying the progression of the disease and effectively reducing the occurrence of complications of cirrhosis. After improving the clinical recovery, the case was attached to support. %K 五藤饮,肝硬化门静脉高压症,临床经验
Wuteng Yin %K Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension %K Clinical Experience %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82161