%0 Journal Article %T 基于ERA5数据的内蒙古降水量时空变化特征研究
Research on Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Precipitation in Inner Mongolia Based on ERA5 Data %A 兴安 %J Geographical Science Research %P 140-152 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/GSER.2024.131014 %X 本文采用内蒙古自治区1979~2018年精度为1小时的ERA5降水数据,通过使用趋势分析法、线性拟合和统计分析法计算获得月降水量,四季降水量和近40年平均降水量的时间和空间分布。经过研究结果表明,不同时间段里,各个地区的降水量变化特征不一样,东部呼伦贝尔一带地区、中部赤峰地区和西部阿拉善一带地区的气候倾向率不同;并且1979年到2018年降水量呈现出减少趋势,一年中降水量主要分布在夏季,夏季降水量是214毫米;一年里降水量最少的季节是冬季,降水量仅有14毫米左右。内蒙古地区在近40年平均降水量空间分布图上在呼伦贝尔市最多,其次是赤峰一带地区,在阿拉善盟降水量分布最少。
Using Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region’s ERA5 reanalysis precipitation data with an accuracy of 1 hour from 1979 to 2018, the temporal and spatial distribution of monthly precipitation, four-season precipitation and the average precipitation in the past four decades are calculated by using the trend analysis method, linear fitting and statistical analysis method. After research results, the characteristics of precipitation changes in different regions are different in different time periods. The climate tendency rates of the eastern Hulunbuir area, the central Chifeng area and the western Alxa area are different; and the precipitation from 1979 to 2018 shows a decreasing trend, the precipitation in a year is mainly distributed in summer, with summer precipitation being 214 mm; the least precipitation season of the year is winter, with precipitation only about 14 mm. On the spatial distribution map of average precipitation in the past 40 years, Inner Mongolia has the largest amount of precipitation in the Hulunbuir League, followed by the Chifeng area, and the least in the Alxa League. %K 降水量,ERA5,内蒙古,时空演变
Precipitation %K ERA5 %K Inner Mongolia %K Temporal and Spatial Evolution %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82139