%0 Journal Article %T 1990~2020年赤峰市土地利用变化及景观生态风险评价
Land Use Change and Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment in Chifeng City from 1990 to 2020 %A 图雅 %A 敖登高娃 %J Geographical Science Research %P 167-180 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/GSER.2024.131016 %X 本文以内蒙古赤峰市为研究区域,利用1990、2000、2010和2020年4期土地利用数据分析40年间土地利用的数量变化、空间变化及程度变化分析,在此基础上进行研究区的景观生态风险评价。结果表明:(1) 草地、耕地和林地是研究区主要地类,四个时期草地均占总面积40%以上,耕地和林地的占比分别为22%和14%左右,在研究时期草地转移最大,其次为林地、耕地、未利用地、建设用地和水域。赤峰市各类土地利用重心迁移具有差异性,赤峰市各辖旗县区土地利用程度变化量和变化率均大于0,表明赤峰市整体上土地利用程度加深,处于发展时期,整体土地利用效率不断提高。(2) 景观生态评价方面:赤峰市1990~2020年的生态风险指数平均值分别呈逐年上升趋势,表明随着土地利用结构的变化,研究区生态安全状况趋于恶化。从景观生态风险空间分异来看,研究区生态风险等级主要以中风险区和较高风险区为主。赤峰市1990~2020年的景观生态风险空间分布变化并无差异。整体风险由中心向四周梯度递减,呈“较高–中–较低”的空间分布格局。
In this paper, using the land use data of Chifeng City in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020, this paper analyzes the changes of the quantity, space and degree of land use in Chifeng City in the last 40 years. On this basis, the landscape ecological risk assessment was carried out in the study area. The results showed that (1) the research area was mainly composed of grassland, cultivated land and forest land, which accounted for more than 40% of the total area in the four periods, and cultivated land and forest land accounted for about 22% and 14% respectively. In the study period, grassland was the largest transfer, followed by woodland, cultivated land, unused land, construction land and water area. There are differences in the transfer of various types of land use center of gravity in Chifeng City. The change quantity and change rate of land use degree of all counties under the jurisdiction of Chifeng City are greater than 0, which indicates that the land use degree of Chifeng City is deepened on the whole, it is in the development period, and the overall land use efficiency is constantly improving. (2) Landscape ecological evaluation: The average ecological risk index of Chifeng City from 1990 to 2020 respectively increased year by year. It is pointed out that with the change of land use structure, the ecological environment security in the study area will often deteriorate. According to the spatial difference of landscape ecological environment risk, the ecological environment risk level in the study area is mainly in the middle risk and high risk. There is no difference in the spatial distribution of landscape ecological risk in Chifeng City from 1990 to 2020. The overall risk gradient decreases from the center to the periphery, showing a “high-medium-low” spatial distribution pattern. %K 土地利用变化,景观生态风险评价,赤峰市
Land Use Change %K Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment %K Chifeng City %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82144