%0 Journal Article %T 世界遗产视角下乌孙古道的申遗策略与可持续发展
Application Strategy and Sustainable Development of Wusun Ancient Road from the Perspective of World Heritage %A 丁广昊 %J Geographical Science Research %P 181-188 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/GSER.2024.131017 %X 本文从世界遗产视角出发,对乌孙古道及其沿线的自然和人文景观进行了全面的研究。利用奥维互动地图,对乌孙古道的地理位置进行详细展示。通过对比性研究,论述乌孙古道符合世界遗产的遴选标准,符合申遗条件,提出申报世界遗产的可行性。并且针对乌孙古道保护和发展所面临的问题,提出了立法保护、完善基础设施、推进数字化建设、开展遗产旅游等措施,使乌孙古道走向绿色健康可持续发展的道路。
From the perspective of World Heritage, this paper makes a comprehensive study of the natural and cultural landscape along the Wusun Ancient Road. This paper uses the Aowei interactive map to provide a comprehensive illustration of the geographical location of Wusun Ancient Road. Through comparative study, the paper puts forward that the Wusun Ancient Road meets the selection criteria of World Heritage, meets the requirements of applying for World Heritage, and the feasibility of applying for World Heritage. In view of the problems faced by the protection and development of the Wusun Ancient Road, measures such as legislative protection, improving infrastructure, promoting digital construction, and developing heritage tourism are put forward to lead the Wusun Ancient Road towards a green, healthy and sustainable development. %K 乌孙古道,文化景观,可持续发展,申遗,遗产旅游
Wusun Ancient Road %K Cultural Landscape %K Sustainable Development %K Appling for World Heritage %K Heritage Tourism %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82145