%0 Journal Article %T 大庆长垣扶余油层致密油低产井控制因素分析及增产技术对策
Analysis on Control Factors of Low Production Wells of Tight Oil in Fuyu Reservoir of Daqing Placanticline and Technical Countermeasures to Improve Production %A 王艳 %A 周海超 %A 孙海雷 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 1-9 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOGT.2024.461001 %X 松辽盆地北部大庆长垣扶余油层自上世纪50年代末勘探以来,效果显著并已陆续投入开发,但低产井所占比例较大一直是制约致密油效益增储的瓶颈。本文从地质和工程改造等多方面对控制油井产能的因素开展分析,并采用灰色关联分析法定量计算各因素的关联度和权重系数,确定了影响产能的主控因素依次为压裂加液强度、压裂加砂强度、储层渗透率、油层有效厚度、储层电阻率、含油饱和度及水平应力差。在此基础上,运用模糊综合评判法计算低产井主控因素综合得分,对低产井开展综合分析并优选出可重新试油的潜力井,目前已完成重新试油的井日产油量达到原来的10倍。同时,依据产能主控因素,制定相应的技术对策和增产措施,对解放低产井产能及油田提产增效有着深远的意义。
Fuyu reservoir of Daqing placanticline in northern Songliao Basin has achieved remarkable results since its exploration in the late 1950s and has been successively put into development. However, the large proportion of low production wells has always been the bottleneck problem restricting the increase of economic reserves of tight oil. In this paper, the factors controlling oil well productivity are analyzed from many aspects such as geology and engineering transformation, the grey correla-tion analysis method is used to quantitatively calculate the correlation degree and weight coeffi-cient of each factor. It is determined that the main controlling factors affecting productivity are fluid adding intensity and sand adding intensity during fracturing, reservoir permeability, effective thickness of reservoir, reservoir resistivity, oil saturation and horizontal stress difference. On this basis, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to calculate the comprehensive score of the main control factors of low production wells, carry out comprehensive analysis of low production wells, and select the potential wells that can be retested, at present, one oil well has been retested, and its daily oil production is 10 times that of the first oil test. At the same time, according to the main control factors of production capacity, the corresponding technical countermeasures and production increasing measures are formulated. The research of this paper has far-reaching signif-icance for liberating the productivity of low production wells and increasing production and eco-nomic benefits. %K 大庆长垣,扶余油层,致密油,低产井,灰色关联
Daqing Placanticline %K Fuyu Reservoir %K Tight Oil %K Low Production Wells %K Grey Correlation Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81584