%0 Journal Article %T 综述:冶炼烟灰综合利用研究现状及趋势
Summarize: Research Status and Future Development Trend of the Integrated Utilization of Smelting Soot %A 虞蔓青 %A 宋呈翔 %A 余军霞 %A 郭莉 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 1-10 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MEng.2024.111001 %X 有色金属生产过程中产生的冶炼烟灰是冶金行业的典型危废,为明确针对冶炼烟灰开展的相关研究的现状及其发展趋势,采用文献计量学方法统计分析了Web of Science (WOS)数据库中近三十年来发表的相关文献资料,并对年度发文量、发文机构、发文期刊、发文作者以及论文关键词等方面进行了综合全面的统计分析。结果表明:1993~2023年间以“smelting soot”、“smelting ash”、“smelting dust”为关键词的文献共计1792篇,发文量在1993年至2007年期间呈波动状,且自2008年开始,发文量呈现出明显的指数递增趋势,与有色金属行业的飞速发展密不可分;相关文献分别发表在393家期刊上,其中Science of the Total Environment发文量最大,Metallurgist次之,Environmental Pollution排名第三;共有617家研究机构开展了冶炼烟灰的相关研究,其中发文量排名第一的是中国科学院,其次是中南大学以及布拉格查尔斯大学;共有1105名研究人员发表了相关文献,其中发文量排名第一和第二的作者均来自布拉格查理斯大学,分别为Vojtech Ettler和Martin Mihaljevic;相关文献中出现频次较高的关键词为“lead”、“pollution”、“dust”、“heavy metal”、“soil”等,表明冶炼烟灰引起的环境污染尤其是土壤中重金属的污染问题是近三十年来的研究热点,另外,“recovery”、“removal”、“separation”是近年来出现频次较高的关键词,表明冶炼烟灰的综合回用以及有害元素的分离脱除是未来的研究趋势。
In order to clarify the research status and future development trend of smelting soot, the Bibli-ometrics method is used to statistically analyze the literature on smelting soot published in Webofscience (WOS) database from 1993 to 2023, and the collected literature is analyzed in terms of the annual number of papers, issuing institutions, issuing journals, authors and key words of papers. The results show that: from 1993 to 2023, it was identified as “smelting soot”, “smelting ash” and “smelting dust”. A total of 1792 literatures were used as keywords, and the number of published papers fluctuated from 1993 to 2007, and the number of published papers began to show a trend from 2008. An obvious exponential increasing trend is closely related to the rapid development of the non-ferrous metal industry; The relevant literature has been published in 393 journals. Science of the Total Environment has the largest number of articles, fol-lowed by Metallurgist and Environmental Pollution. A total of 617 research institutions have carried out research on smelting soot, of which the Chinese Academy of Sciences ranks first, followed by Central South University and Charles University, Prague; A total of 1,105 researchers published relevant literature, with both the first and second most published authors. Vojtech Ettler and Martin Mihaljevic from Charles University in Prague; Keywords that appear more frequently in related literature”lead”, “pollution”, “dust”, “heavy metal”, “soil”, etc., indicating the environmental pollution caused by smelting soot. In particular, the pollution of heavy metals in soil has been a research hotspot in the past 30 years. In addition, “recovery”, “removal”, “sepa-ration”, etc. It shows that the comprehensive reuse of smelting soot and the separation and removal of harmful elements are the research trends in the future. %K 冶炼烟灰,研究热点,发展趋势
Smelting Soot %K Research Status %K Development Trend %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82385