%0 Journal Article %T 大规格高强功能性钢筋机械连接接头力学性能研究
Research on Mechanical Properties of Large-Specification High-Strength Functional Steel Mechanical Splices %A 刘冬 %A 穆银超 %A 张明晨 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 11-17 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MEng.2024.111002 %X 利用不锈钢棒材和40Cr合金钢制作套筒,根据相关标准进行套筒参数设计,分别用于Φ40 mm高强不锈钢钢筋和Φ36~Φ50 mm高强抗震钢筋机械连接。通过单向拉伸试验、高应力反复拉压试验和大变形反复拉压试验测试钢筋机械连接件的强度和变形能力,根据试验结果分析钢筋机械连接件在服役过程中遭受风载、弱震和强震后的性能变化。试验结果表明:Φ40 mm高强不锈钢钢筋机械连接件和Φ36~Φ50 mm高强抗震钢筋机械连接件都能达到JGJ 107-2016标准中的I级接头要求。
The couplers is made of stainless steel bar and 40Cr alloy steel, and the couplers parameters are designed according to the relevant standards, which are used for the mechanical splices of Φ40 mm high-strength stainless steel bars and Φ36~Φ50 mm high-strength seismic steel bars. The strength and deformation ability of the reinforcing mechanical splices were tested by uniaxial tensile test, high-stress repeated tensile-compression test and large deformation repeated tensile-compression test, and the performance changes of the reinforcing mechanical splices after being subjected to wind load, weak earthquake and strong earthquake during service were ana-lyzed according to the test results. The test results show that the mechanical splices of Φ40 mm high-strength stainless steel bars and the mechanical connectors of Φ36~Φ50 mm high-strength seismic steel bars can meet the requirements of Class I joints in JGJ 107-2016 standard. %K 大规格高强钢筋,不锈钢钢筋,抗震钢筋,机械连接,力学性能
Large-Specification High-Strength Steel Bars %K Stainless Steel Bars %K Seismic Bars %K Mechanical Splices %K Mechanical Properties %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82446