%0 Journal Article %T 碳中和背景下金融集聚促进山东城市高质量发展策略研究
The Research on the Strategy of Financial Agglomeration Promoting High-Quality Development of Cities in Shandong Province under the Carbon Neutrality Background %A 董兆瑞 %A 李文文 %A 房硕 %A 赵若冰 %A 秦萌晗 %A 陈茜 %A 许静 %J Finance %P 407-419 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.142044 %X 城市高质量发展是实现双碳目标的关键路径,金融集聚是影响城市高质量发展的重要因素。山东省为绿色低碳高质量发展先行区,且碳排放全国居首,研究金融集聚促进山东城市高质量发展的影响有重要意义。本文基于2007~2020年城市面板数据构建了双固定效应模型,检验金融集聚对城市高质量发展的影响,并基于门槛效应模型研究金融集聚对城市高质量发展的非线性关系。研究结果表明:金融集聚能显著促进山东省城市高质量发展;金融集聚对山东省城市高质量发展具有明显的区域差异、规模差异和发展阶段差异;金融集聚对城市高质量发展的影响存在双门槛效应。
The key path to achieving carbon neutrality lies in the high-quality development of cities, with fi-nancial agglomeration being an important factor influencing such development. Shandong Province is a pioneer in green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, and it ranks first in carbon emissions nationwide. Therefore, studying the impact of financial agglomeration on the high-quality development of cities in Shandong holds significant importance. This study constructs a double fixed effects model based on panel data from 2007 to 2020 to examine the influence of financial agglomeration on high-quality development and uses a threshold effects model to explore the non-linear relationship between financial agglomeration and high-quality development. The research findings indicate that financial agglomeration significantly promotes the high-quality development of cities in Shandong Province. Moreover, financial agglomeration exhibits notable differences in spatial location, scale, and development stage in its impact on high-quality development in Shandong Province. Finally, the study reveals a double-threshold effect in the relationship between financial ag-glomeration and high-quality development in cities. %K 金融集聚,城市高质量发展,碳中和,山东省
Financial Agglomeration %K High-Quality Urban Development %K Carbon Neutrality %K Shandong Province %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82573