%0 Journal Article %T 共享经济背景下高校生付费自习模式选择与趋势——基于有限理性行为决策视角
The Choice and Trend of Paid Self-Study Mode for College Students under the Background of Sharing Economy—Based on the Perspective of Bounded Rational Behavior Decision-Making %A 孙冰鑫 %A 程子桐 %A 吴菲 %A 郭婧 %J Service Science and Management %P 165-176 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.132021 %X 近年来,共享经济兴起、付费自习模式成为讨论热潮,尤其是在高校生之间。为探究共享经济背景下,高校生是否更倾向于选择付费自习模式以及高校生选择付费自习模式的趋势,本文基于行为决策理论下的有限理性模型,以武汉高校生为调查对象,采用问卷调查法,以客户满意度为选择依据,从服务质量、盈利水平、差异化程度三个方面进行了深入研究。研究结果显示,高校生并未显著地倾向于选择付费自习模式,高校生更倾向于选择服务质量高,价格水平低并且差异化程度高的企业。
In recent years, the rise of the sharing economy and the paid self-study model has become a hot topic of discussion, especially among college students. To explore whether college students are more inclined to choose the paid self-study mode under the background of the sharing economy, and the trend of college students choosing the paid self-study mode, this article is based on the bounded rationality model under behavioral decision-making theory, with Wuhan college students as the survey objects, using questionnaire survey method and customer satisfaction as the selection basis, and conducting in-depth research from three aspects: service quality, profit level, and degree of differentiation. The research results show that college students are not significantly inclined to choose the paid self-study mode. College students are more inclined to choose enterprises with high service quality, low price level, and high degree of differentiation. %K 付费自习,有限理性,客户满意度
Pay for Self-Study %K Bounded Rationality %K Customer Satisfaction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=82524